The Kamikaze was one of the first real cocktails I was introduced to back in the 90's. I was seeing a girl in San Francisco who liked to sip these. Back in the day, they often appeared as shooters since they taste like lime-aid, but my girl had the right idea. I'm drinking one right now since there is a full bottle of vodka and a bunch of limes that are about to go bad.
The Kamikaze, like most classic cocktails, has the Holy Trinity structure: spirit, liqueur, citrus. In this case, the spirit is vodka and the citrus is lime. The liqueur is Cointreau (or triple sec). The recipe is the same for all Holy Trinity cocktails: 2 parts spirit, 1 part liqueur, 1-2 parts citrus to taste. Shake with ice and serve.
Kamikaze Cocktail:
2 part vodkda
1 part Cointreau or triple sec
juice of half a lime
Shake over ice and strain into a cocktail glass, or just dump the whole thing into a traveler cup so that no one knows what you're up to.
Cosmetic Surgery
10 years ago