Around our house, the French 75 (named after the 75mm howitzer) is the Forbidden Cocktail. The recipe calls for 2 parts gin, 1 part lemon juice, spoonful of sugar. Shake over ice. Pour into a tall glass, and top up with champagne. So really this thing is a gin cocktail plus a glass of champagne: two drinks in one.
I never start out drinking the French 75; it seems to be one of those cocktails you drink later on in the evening once the party has gotten going, and you want it to get there faster. "If you like that Sidecar, you should try the French 75..." Then you find yourself trying to dance on the bar and it all goes downhill from there. These days, I try to only drink French 75's when I'm in Vegas.
French 75:
2 parts gin
1 part lemon juice
spoonful of sugar
Shake over ice, pour into a tall glass (Collins glass or a champagne flute)
Top up with champagne.
Charge for the guns, he said...
Cosmetic Surgery
10 years ago